Image credit: Helen DeWaard
Reciprocating with gratitude!
Week two of CLMOOC 2016 has been filled with so many threads of interconnectedness! What have you seen or experienced that had meaning for you? What inspired you?
A tour of the week’s Makes will lead you down a never ending path of connections. Participants honored each other by close reading, remixing, and using art and technology to highlight the work of others. Many of the Makes this week started in Cycle 1 and continued in Cycle 2, such as the ongoing collaboration which honored Jennifer Nusbaum’s poetry. Melvina Kurashige made a remixed word cloud gif which honored people who have inspired her.
Image credit: Jennifer Niester-Mika @theNMwriter
In Karen LaBonte’s post about remixing others’ work, she prompted us to think about the “impact [of remixing] on ourselves as creators, as individuals who make meaning of others’ compositions, as people who become visible to one another in unexpected ways” and she asked, “What does it mean to “own” something we’ve composed? If we are remixing someone’s composition, then where does that ownership begin and end? Does it matter?”
Susan van Gelder’s response post asked, among other important questions, “How do we teach students the importance of supporting artists (writers, musicians…) by paying for their work?” Kevin Hodgson responded and asked, “If I use someone else’s words for a remix, am I a writer or remixer?” Sarah Honeychurch Storified a Twitter discussion on this topic – check it out. This topic was also an important part of our Make Cycle 2 Twitter Chat.
CLMOOC also played on a number of collaborative playgrounds/sandboxes, such as the CLMOOC Found Poetry collection, Karon Bielenda’s Community Metaphor invitation, Scott Glass’s Remixing Workspaces, Algot Runeman’s LegoWorld, Kevin Hodgson’s Answer Garden, and Michael Buist’s Smile Thimble Project, The postcard project continued and added some new participants!
New! Badges! If you are interested in the new CLMOOC badge, take a look at what Lauren Zucker and Ron Leunissen have come up with here!
Image credit: Melvina Kurashige
Image credit: Terry Elliott
Image credit: Deanna Mascle
Perhaps this list of activities might get you started on your tour of the past week …
- Did you miss this week’s Make with Me hangout or week’s tweet chat? Check out these linked archives.
- CLMOOC 16 Google Map: Pin yourself to this so we can get a visual representation of where we all are. Check out Sarah’s blog post for some short instructions on how to do this.
- CLMOOC Tag Board: This collates much of what’s been tagged with the #CLMOOC hashtag – it’s a great place to surf through to get a flavour of the week so far.
- Do you blog? Fill out this Google Form to add yours to the CLMOOC 16 list. After filling out the form, you’ll be directed to a page with all the current responses, so that we can all find each others’ blogs again. Or you can just read the database of bloggers directly.
Image credit: Susan van Gelder; image made with Typorama
- Find Five Fridays (#F5F): What have you uncovered this week? Find five ideas, images, tweets, projects (or a mix) and share them for Five for Friday (or any other day). Share in social media with the #CLMOOC hashtag.
Image credit: Kevin Hodgson
Coming next week: Take a “purposeful pause!”
Next week is the week for deep breaths and deep thinking! If you want, you can continue to dip in or dive into CLMOOC. Our connections will continue. It might be a good opportunity to finish a Make that you started or make a deeper connection with a collaborator. Learn more about someone. Sit in your rocking chair (like the one Larry Hewett drew to show that he is a lifelong learner) and watch the sunset. Write a postcard or two. Make some art.
Image credit: Larry Hewett
You can expect a brief newsletter soon with a variety of possible options for this week (which you are free to ignore) with ways that you can connect with others in the CLMOOC during our “purposeful pause,” in hopes that we deepen our understanding of each other. Until then, carry on being awesome.
Thank you for an amazing week!
Helen, Susan and all the CLMOOC16 team