Postcards 2023: Human Connections In An AI-Infused World

For several years now CLMOOC-ers have been sending postcards to each other. It started sometime in 2015, took inspiration from the Dear Data book that some of us read, and inspired several pop up activities including the Postcards for Peace that we found solace in during early 2022. (CLMOOC is a Connected Learning MOOC created and supported by the National Writing Project, in the United States, and when NWP discontinued its support with resources, members of the CLMOOC community continued onward and continue to do so).

As some of us explore the challenges and possibilities of generative Artificial Intelligence — like ChatGPT and Google’s Bard and others — in education, research, and creative arts together in ETMOOC2, we wondered if this was an opportunity to connect with our fellow explorers and humanize the connections we were making by taking part in another round of postcard making and sending.

There are no rules to this postcard activity, no minimum number of cards you need to promise to send. You might send one postcard. You might send a dozen. As always, that will be up to you. You can make your own cards, or not. We love postcards of all shapes and forms.

Write. Connect. Stay human.

Have you already signed up to the long-running CLMOOC postcard project?

If so, you’ll already have access to the addresses of others who have participated. If you don’t know where to find the list as Google Sheets, or if you are not sure if you are on it, let one of us know by replying to us on social media (tweet to #CLMOOC) or email Sarah and we’ll check it out for you).

If you have not previously signed up, all you need to do is to fill out a very short Google Form. Once you sign up, we’ll share the spreadsheet of other participants’ addresses with you and you can write to as many, or as few, as you desire.


6 thoughts on “Postcards 2023: Human Connections In An AI-Infused World

  1. Thanks for keeping the postcard project alive! It’s about as human as it gets.

  2. I simply need to say that when these postcards have arrived, over the years, it has always somehow been at exactly the right time. I have them on my fridge door.

  3. It is probably because I just finished reading At the Edge of the Orchard and am now immersed in The Overstory but I immediately thought of Joyce Kilmer’s poem Trees: I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree and substituted AI for poem. My pear trees have fruit and the magnolias are ready to blossom! I am excited to be part of a postcard project. Thank you for organizing this!

  4. Thanks for this prompt. I’ve missed this in the last year but am back on it!

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