“Seasons” by OpenClipart-Vectors shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license
What season is it where you are? What changes are you seeing? What seasonal activities are you looking forward to? What things about this season do you especially love?
This month’s postcard theme (formerly, known as “data postcards”) is the seasons. Feel free to address this topic in any way you like.
For example, you might:
- Make a postcard that shows the season you are in now.
- Write a poem about the season.
- Doodle on a seasonal theme.
- Include a recipe for a favorite seasonal food.
- Muse about this season in your career or your life.
To join us, go here to indicate your intended participation this month (and add more theme suggestions if you wish!). (Make sure you’ve signed up for our other CLMOOC postcard list first so you have addresses.) You can participate in this however you like. Mail just one postcard to one person on the list (anyone you choose) or make a few for various people.
We will be engaging in this topic throughout the month of October, planning to get something in the mail by October 15 (or whenever works for you). Feel free to post what you make or what you receive in all the usual spaces.
And if you missed them, here is a storified collection of some of our previous postcard work.