A small group of CLMOOC-ers took up a “Say it with A Story” invitation challenge from CreativeHE and collaborated on a small project of story and art that was accepted and woven into a fascinating collection of pieces. Our submission — Joyful Connections — is on page 62 of the document. We encourage you to peruse the entire collection, though.
Access Say It With A Story from CreativeHE
What was the call for submissions?
In the 2022 annual, #creativeHE invited both teachers and students to write stories to explore and reflect on teaching and learning experiences that took place in 2021 and 2022. As part of this, we asked submissions to include a visual to enhance the story.
What is CreativeHE?
The open and international cross-institutional Creativity for Learning in Higher Education (HE) community (#creativeHE), was born in 2015. Since then, #creativeHE has become a distributed community of practice, a space for emergent professional development, practice sharing, peer support and experimentation with creative learning and teaching approaches and curriculum design for educators, students and the wider public.